Monday, May 5, 2008

New Rules for My Blogging Experience

Clearly the posts I'm writing lately are more for me than anyone else, which is probably a good thing since I currently appear to have one reader (down from an all-time high of oh, say, 10). So another list, this time redefining what will be my blogging experience:

1. I will update whenever the hell I feel like it. My previous blogging experience was completely ruined by my ridiculous need to post daily, lest I feel like a failure. So, since I am writing for myself, I will post when I feel like it. So there.

2. I may curse. This is a warning for you, my lone reader (who will hopefully be joined by another stray friend or two of mine who used to feign interest in this whole thing). Previously, my blog was squeaky clean . . . but, quite frankly, as a writer, I enjoy freedom of word choice. Shocking, I know.

3. I will take topic suggestions. I just thought of that as I was writing this, so I'm putting it out there. I have no idea why anyone would care to suggest something.

Well, I had imagined the list much longer, but I'm bored with this topic already. So, to sum up, I will be erratic, occasionally earn a PG rating, and write to suit.

I may lose my only reader if I keep this up . . .
P.S. That's not me up there, it's Heidi Klum. I know, the resemblance is uncanny . . .


Maureen Fitzgerald said...

You can bump your count up to two :)

Definitely write for yourself - it always comes out better that way.

Angela S. said...

Hey, thanks, Wisconsin Mommy . . . nice to have you around. I was once a Wisconsin Mommy myself but have found my way south . . .

Anonymous said...

You best be mindfull. Couple more post like this one and the GTA and you could have a poke load of readers. I keep searching for blogs that can make me laugh and think and they are few and far between. I really like "the rules." Specially #1 and #2. After those my favorite is #3, cause it means I can offer #4.
4. I will assume my readers are just around the corner.

Aunt Bloggie

Angela S. said...

Thanks Aunt Bloggie -- a vote of confidence is my favorite kind (especially cause I'm not looking forward to the upcoming presidential election). Hope you will stick around for my erratic wandering posting, and bring a friend or two along if you are so inclined . . .